Author, Teacher, and Sorcerer





Engineer Probability: Hire a Sorcerer!

I offer what Sorcerers the world over have
been offering for thousands of years - an
edge. I have over twenty years of occult
training and practice behind me. I use a
unique blend of Western Ceremonial
Magick, Hoodoo Rootwork, and Himalayan
Sorcery to work on behalf of my clients
and nudge the forces of luck in their

I offer a wide variety of services that

* READINGS: I offer Sybilla or Tarot
readings as well as more advanced
divination techniques for difficult and
complex situations.

* SETTING OF LIGHTS: A simple candle on
my Altar to help illuminate your world in
tough times.

* CONJURE HANDS: Also called Mojo
Hands or Gris-Gris, Conjure Hands are a
staple of the American Hoodoo tradition.
My bags contain a traditional combination
of herbal, mineral, zoological, and symbolic ingredients which are empowered to help you achieve your desired results.
* TALISMANS: Some clients don’t want to carry a Conjure Hand and prefer something that they can wear. You can commission a piece to be charged for you or, if you prefer, have an appropriate piece of your own jewelry or statuary charged as a talisman or amulet.
* SPIRIT BOTTLES: Spirit bottles contain the seal of an elemental or planetary spirit which has been summoned into the bottle. They also contain various herbal, mineral, zoological, and symbolic ingredients that empower the spirit to accomplish its goals. These bottles are meant for long-term work and are set on your altar or other special places in your home.
* ADVANCED RITUAL WORK: I am sometimes available to work on complex or long-term situations that require multifaceted magick for clients when needed.

Contact me at for details on availability and fees.

It is important to understand that although sorcery is powerful, you will still have to take the normal steps to achieve your goals. You cannot expect a job finding bag to work if you aren't sending out your resume. A Love drawing spell will not work if you stay inside every night watching television. First comes the working, than comes the work.

I reserve the right to refuse requests for any reason, including lack of time to give it proper attention and ethical conflicts

No magickal effects can be guaranteed. All products and services are offered as curio only.

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